Online Store

Adding a donation option via a full-scale Online Store

You can create a full-scale donation page or section to inspire your fundraising with Yola’s premium Online Store subscription. 

This option works well for advanced users who want to not only accept donations but also maintain nonprofit merchandise sales. However, you can use your store for donation purposes only.

Note: To use this option, you need to have both an Online store paid subscription and a premium hosting plan. You can compare our subscription plans and choose one of them on our Pricing page

Follow these steps to set up this option:

  1. Ensure that your Yola account is subscribed to one of our premium hosting plans.
  2. Upgrade your Online Store to the Professional subscription plan.
  3. Customize your Online Store by adding a donation option to your catalog.
  4. Connect a payment method to your Online Store.

  5. Follow this guide’s instructions to add the Online Store block to your website.
  6. Publish your website.

We hope this guide helped you. If you have any questions left, please contact our Support Team

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