Online Store

How to use Online Store block for fundraising

Yola’s Online Store Free plan allows you to add up to three products in one product category. To start accepting donations online with Online Store Free plan, follow these steps:

  1. When in Sitebuilder, click Store on the Topbar.

    Make sure you have saved the changes in your Sitebuilder. Otherwise, you may receive a popup from your browser notifying you that you have unsaved changes.


  2. Add products to your Online Store. Think of each product as a separate donation option.

    a. For each product, set your own name and description. Make sure you clarify that this is a donation in the product name, e.g., ‘Donation 1.’ 

    b. Set up the prices for your donation options. There can be different donation amounts, for example, $20, $50, etc.

    c. Disable the ‘This Product Requires Shipping or Pickup’ by going to Catalog > Products > Edit Product > Shipping & Pickup > Disable the ‘This Product Requires Shipping or Pickup’ option

  3. After you have set up the products in your Online Store, connect a payment method to it.
  4. Then follow this guide’s instructions to add the Online Store to your website. 
  5. Publish your site after adding the Online Store block to make it visible to your website visitors.

We hope this guide helped you. If you have any questions left, please contact our Support Team

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