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Managing website settings

Sitebuilder+ website settings include managing your site’s name, favicon, and cookies, as well as languages, backups, redirects, and more. In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage basic website settings and where to find more in-depth information.

Website settings

To open Website settings in Sitebuilder+, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Menu button (three horizontal lines) at the top-left corner of the Sitebuilder to access the Sidebar.
  2. Choose Settings from the menu. You will be taken to the Website Settings window with the following tabs:
  • General
  • Business info
  • Multilingual
  • Domain
  • Integrations
  • Custom code
  • Hosting
  • Backup

B2C - Site settings - 1.png

General tab

In the General tab, you can manage the following settings:

Note: Custom code can be useful for adding additional HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You may need to upgrade your plan to access this feature.

Business info 

This tab stores all your business information. This information will automatically be distributed to all the sections of your website where it's needed.

The tab consists of two sections that contain your business information:

  • Profile section, which consists of your business name, business category, and business description
  • Contacts section, which contains your contact details like address, phone, email, and working hours.

If you ever need to update any of this info, go to the Business info tab – it's your place for managing all important details across your site. You will also be automatically redirected to this tab when clicking any business-related info in the editor.

Multilingual tab

In this tab, you can add new languages to your site. Learn more about the various multilingual functions of your website in the Multi-language sites section.

Domain tab

This tab provides you with the most popular Help Center articles about domain management and a shortcut button to the dedicated Your domains section in the My Yola dashboard. 

Integrations tab

Here you can add the Google site verification code, Google Analytics tracking ID, and set up a Cookiebot integration. Read more on how to do it in the following articles:

Custom code tab

This tab contains fields for inserting custom code (Inside <head> tag,  after <body> tag, before </body> tag). You may need to upgrade your pricing plan to use this feature. 

Hosting tab

In this tab, you can route incoming traffic permanently from one page to another with the help of  301 redirects. Learn more about this feature in our dedicated tutorial.

Backups tab

In this area, you can create a new site backup, view a list of backups, and restore the previous backed-up version of your site. Once you are done modifying settings, click Submit to apply changes. 

We hope this guide has helped you. If you’ve any questions left, please contact our Support Team

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