You can manage your subscription in your My Yola dashboard. You can access it from various places on the platform. Detailed information about your subscriptions is available on the Subscriptions page.
Here’s how to view your Subscriptions page:
When in the Dashboard, hover over the Account settings link on the Topbar and choose the Subscriptions option from the dropdown menu.
- On the Subscription page, you have three tabs: Subscriptions, Billing history, and Payment methods.
Let’s view the Subscriptions page in detail.
Subscriptions tab
In the Subscriptions tab, you can view the list of your subscriptions (hosting plan, online store, custom domain) and their statuses (active, expired, etc.).
To see the details of the subscription, click it and in the next window, you’ll see the complete information, like in the image below.
The Show more button opens the extended list of features you get with this plan. The Renew now link takes you to the checkout page for renewal.
If you haven’t set up the auto-renewal, and your plan is expired or is about to expire, you will see the message with the link to renew it now.
Also, on the right side of the Subscriptions page, you can see the banners with the products you may want to add to your website, such as a custom domain or an online store. The banners lead to the domain or plan selector, so you don't have to visit the Yola website to upgrade or buy products – you can do it directly from the Subscriptions page.
Billing history tab
The Billing history tab displays payment information for all your purchases with Yola.
Payment methods tab
The Payment methods tab contains your saved card details. Here you can edit, delete, and add your payment methods.
Read more about managing your payment methods in our dedicated tutorial.
Account settings shortcuts
You can also access the Billing history tab and the Payment methods tab from the Account settings dropdown menu. When in My Yola dashboard, click Account settings in the top right corner of your Sitebuilder and click the option you need. This will take you directly to the tab you’ve chosen.
We hope you find this article helpful. If you have any questions left, please contact our Support Team.
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